Soil Micormorphology - Instructions for creating Soil Micromorphology Pages.


Soil Micromorphology has had a presence on the WEB for over three years, and over that time, the range of information has grown. There are also many other aspects which we can exploit, and now is the time to explot these.

While it is logical to have a Main Home Page for Soil Micromorphology maintained in a central location, it is impractical to continually add new pages for individuals, and/or individual countries. It is for this reason that the Soil Micromorphology Pages have been significantly revamped following discussions in Moscow between Dr N.K. Tovey and the Chairman of Subcomission B - Prof. Sergey Shoba in October 1997.

There are two different issues which need consideration;-

Please read both of the above before attempting to develop pages which are linked to home page
Different types of WEB pages which may be developed
Organisation and Location of Files on a Server
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