Report on 10th IWMSM Meeting, Moscow - July 1997

This report was prepared by the Secretary, Leigh Sullivan

Report on the 10th IWMSM Meeting, Moscow, Russia. 7th - 15th July 1996.


  1. General Report
  2. Plenary Papers
  3. Oral and Poster Sessions
  4. Field Trips
  5. Concluding Remarks
  6. Return to 1997 Newsletter

General Report of Meeting

The 10th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology was held at the Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia from the 8th to 13, July 1996.

The Working meeting was attended by 111 participants from 25 countries. It was conducted under the auspices of:-

The sponsors of the conference were the Soil Science Society of America and the International Scientific Foundation.

The Conference opened with a welcoming address by Professor S. A. Shoba

Over all there were 63 oral and 112 posters presentations. (Russia), Chairman of the National Organising Committee.

Plenary Papers

Plenary papers were delivered by:-

Oral Sessions

The themes of the oral sessions on the days following the initial plenary session were:

  1. Micromorphology of genetic types of soils: humid soils
  2. Micromorphology of genetic types of soils: arid soils
  3. Micromorphology of genetic types of soils: tropical soils
  4. Micromorphology for paleopedology and archeology
  5. Micromorphology of acid sulphate soils
  6. Mechanisms of micromorphology elements formation
  7. Methods

Poster sessions with the above themes followed the oral sessions.

Field Tours

The following field tours took place:-

A distinctive feature of all of the field tours was the attendance by members of Working Group RB (World Reference Base) and the consequent pit-side discussions on aspects of soil classification using WRB.

Concluding Remarks

In conclusion, the 10th International Working Meeting on Soil Micromorphology was excellently organised from beginning to end, provided a stimulating environment in which to present and discuss recent developments in soil micromorphology.

The success of this conference is a credit to the National Organising Committee chaired by Prof. S. A. Shoba and the members of the Advisory Panel.

This report was prepared by the Secretary, Leigh Sullivan

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